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Apr 8th, 2022 by Admin

Best Ways to Reduce Plastic in School

Plastic is a big part of our everyday lives — from shopping bags to food containers to drinking straws. It’s in our homes, offices, and schools, and for many of us, it’s hard to imagine life without it.

However, plastics don’t go away. They can take hundreds of years to break down, and even when they do, they just become smaller pieces of plastic that are still harmful. In fact, most plastic ever made still exists today in some form or another.

Children and young people are the ones who will inherit a damaged planet if we don’t act now. This is why it is vital to teach children about the importance of recycling and taking care of the planet from a young age.

Schools can play a big role in teaching children about the importance of reducing plastic waste and recycling. The best way to do this is by leading by example at school.

In this blog, we’ll look at some of the best ways to reduce plastic in school:

4 Ways to Encourage Children and Administrators to Reduce Plastic in School

While the world is gradually waking up to the harmful effects of plastic, we all must take active steps toward reducing the use of plastic. The younger generation will be the caretakers of our planet in the future and hence we must teach children about the harmful effects of plastic from an early age.

It starts from home and a single act can go a long way in educating your child about the ill effects of plastic. Here are three ways you can reduce your child’s dependence on plastic:

1. Give Up Bottled Water

Give Up Bottled Water

Water bottles are one of the most common items of plastic litter found in schools and across the world. Moreover, they have a devastating effect on the environment and human health. If you want to make your school environment more healthy, then switch from disposable water bottles to refillable water bottles as soon as possible. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce plastic in school.

Take the first step towards a greener future by ditching any single-use plastics in your school’s canteen – you could even install water fountains so students can bring their own reusable bottles!

2. Stop Using Plastic Bags for Lunch and Snacks

Stop Using Plastic Bags for Lunch and Snacks

Bring a reusable lunch box with you to school every day to make the transition easier. If you don’t have time to pack a full lunch, pack your snacks and utensils in reusable containers so that you won’t have to use any disposable items during your quick break. This simple change will have a huge impact on your personal plastic usage.

If you have a small budget and buy lunch at school, ask the cafeteria manager if they have biodegradable or compostable options instead of plastic packaging. Encourage your school administrators to make the switch too.

Restaurants across the country have been making this switch over the past few years, but schools are lagging in reducing their environmental impact. Talk with friends and classmates about this issue and show them how easy it is to make small changes to reduce their personal plastic usage.

3. Encourage the Administration to Stop Buying New Plastic Chairs or Desks

Encourage the Administration to Stop Buying New Plastic Chairs or Desks

Having plastic desks or chairs in classrooms is unnecessary because they are just another piece that ends up in a landfill somewhere. Instead, have your school use recyclable chairs or metal chairs that have a long life and also don’t harm the environment when disposed of.

While schools don’t necessarily need to replace the plastic ones with recyclable ones, the least they can do is start buying alternatives to plastic the next time they need new resources.

4. Make Sure Everything Is Recyclable

Make Sure Everything Is Recyclable

Many schools make good use of paper lunch bags which can easily be recycled after use, but they are still using disposable cutlery and straws, which end up in landfill sites unnecessarily when they could be replaced with reusable alternatives. If you aren’t sure whether something should be recycled, ask your local waste management company for advice and encourage the children to use only the stuff that is recyclable.


Schools are the places where children spend most of their time. They learn in school and take information from each other. The education system is responsible for educating people about the importance of nature and how to use natural resources responsibly. Schools are an excellent place to start.

It is not only teachers’ responsibility but also students’. Why? Because if we educate our future generations about saving the environment and taking care of nature at a young age, they will know how to apply this knowledge in the future and will be more likely to do so than adults who have already formed their habits.

If you’re interested in becoming part of the movement that fights against plastic pollution, then reach out to us now.

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